I wanted to say a few words about who Grandad was through my eyes and share some experiences with you all about the type of grandfather he was. At first when I was writing this I wasn't too sure exactly what to say, epecially as when I close my eyes and think of Grandad the first thing that springs to mind was the only insult I ever heard him use, which was nincompoop. As I'm sure many of you will suspect he called me that quite a bit... But beyond that my most prominent memories are those of following Grandad around the garden whilst listening intently to his stories, always fascinated by the olden days, his family and when he was in the army. I can remember how excited I was to visit Nan and Grandad's as he always had a new big project in the garden I could help with or something new we could build with him like swords or bows and arrows in the garage. Or games we could play, like the infamous water fight in the garden, where he created leverage to keep me in line saying he had photo evidence of me breaking a gun in a tantrum and threatened to show Mum if I didn't stop. He kept using this leverage well into my adulthood. I can remember many other things such as him showing us his teeth falling out to make us laugh or needing five minutes to snore away on the sofa whilst we quietly created havoc around him. Or him teaching me to ride a bike and play chess. These things all add together to make childhood memories I look back on filled with joy and happiness thanks to Grandad. As I got older I also got to know his deeper side better. From as far back as I can remember, he had always told me how special Nan is and how lucky he was to have such a family, which at the time I took as old people ramblings. But spending time with Grandad during his final months and watching his face light up as he flicked through photo albums or when any family member walked into the room, showed quite how deeply he loved and cherished everything he had around him and that he was genuinely happy with what he had achieved. I think with Grandad leaving this way, surrounded by family who love him and who all have their own memories they will never forget, is something incredibly special. Although it's hard to accept Grandad is no longer here, and I will miss him greatly, the memories he has given me and which we shared together means he will never be forgotten. Goodbye Grandad.